Why Did I Create This Product?

Last fall I had my dog, Pebbles, teeth cleaned. I have been doing this annually for her for a number of years. I didn’t want her to lose her teeth as she aged. There are serious health issues she could experience from having diseased teeth and gums, or Gingivitis. Anyone with a dog or cat knows this process is very expensive, traumatic, and dangerous for your animal. A veterinarian has to put your pet under in order to clean your pet’s teeth. I know that if I brushed her teeth daily it would reduce the need to have her teeth cleaned as frequently. There is just one problem. Have you ever tried to put a toothbrush in your pet’s mouth? They hate it and will fight you.

I had been taking SilverSol Technology® Nano Silver for 4 months to support my immune system when I noticed I wasn’t having as much plaque and tartar build up on my teeth. I spoke to the company who makes the SilverSol Technology® Nano Silver and they told me  a test had been done with Porphyromonas Gingivalis using the SilverSol Technology® Nano Silver at a reputable lab named “Northeast Laboratories, Inc.”  Porphyromonas Gingivalisbacteria can be involved in periodontitis, an inflammatory gum disease. The test results showed a 99.99% reduction in Porphyromonas Gingivalisbacteria within 3 minutes and continued for a full 30 minutes, the full length of the test. I was amazed.

So, I got this idea. Could I give the nano silver to Pebbles, my dog? Was it safe? I asked the manufacturer for the answer. The answer was “Yes.” The manufacturer had tested the product on rats and found it to be totally safe for them to take just like it is for humans. Usually, products are tested on animals first before they are used by humans. But the SilverSol Technology® Nano Silver was tested on humans before it was tested on animals. After being told this, I decided to use the nano silver on Pebbles. I would spray 3 to 4 sprays on her teeth and gums daily. I noticed immediately that she no longer had ”dog breath ” aka bad breath. Over time, I noticed her teeth seemed to not have as much plaque and tartar build up. Additionally, Pebbles is swallowing the nano silver, thus it is getting into her body neutralizing any bad bacteria and viruses she may have in her.

Pebble's Teeth

I thought I wanted to help all the pets and make this AMAZING product available to ALL pet owners. So, Pebbles Furry Friends Breath Freshener and Immune Support was born to keep your best furry friend as healthy as mine.     Ken Gould

100% Natural

Eliminates bad breath

Promotes healthy gums and Teeth

Supports immune system

NO additives, alcohol or chlorine